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We, the body of believers at ???????. Church, enforce God?s original plans and purposes in our lives and in the life of this ministry. We are citizens of the kingdom of God and we have what we say. We are doers of the Word of God and not just hearers only. We are what the Word of God says we are, we have what the Word of God says we have, and we can do what the Word of God says we can do. We hold fast to our confession of faith and we do not turn coward, faint, lose heart or give up.
We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and guilt, shame and condemnation has no place in our lives. We are God?s chosen generation, His royal priesthood and we are reigning as kings in the earth. We are accepted in the beloved and nothing can separate us from His love. We are sanctified, consecrated and separated from the world.
We are the healed of the Lord. Jehovah Rapha has taken sickness and disease away from the midst of us. We have a sound mind and body. We are energized, revitalized, transformed, renewed, restored powerhouses for God. We curse at the root, every sickness, disease, pain, virus and infirmity that would try to attack us and we plead the blood of Jesus over our bodies. The healing power of God continually surrounds us, keeps us and preserves our entire system.
We are redeemed from debt, poverty and lack. Every household of ????.Church is blessed and living under an open heaven. The blessing of the Lord makes us rich and adds no sorrow with it. We are increasing more and more and wealth and riches are in our house. We are the head and not the tail, above only and never beneath, the lender and not the borrower. We are sowing bountifully and reaping a bountiful harvest on every seed sown.
We have strong marriages and families that are knitted together in love and rooted in the Word of God. Wives are submitting to their own husbands as unto the Lord and the husbands love their wives as Christ loves the church. Our youth fear the Lord and obey and honor their parents. We bind every demonic attack against our families and speak life, joy, love and peace over our households.
????Church is prospering at everything it sets its hands to. We have a great work to accomplish and we command finances and all resources to come forth now without delay. We call in everything prepared for us before the foundation of the world that pertains to our life and the life of this ministry. We declare that the wealth of the wicked, the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places come to us now.
The supernatural Word of God is prevailing in every area of our lives. We are fighting the good fight of faith and laying hold to eternal life. We are overcomers and our faith is the victory that overcomes the world. Now thanks be unto God Who always causes us to triumph in Christ! In Jesus? name, Amen.