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Word of knowledge (Reveal something)
It is NOT natural knowledge that comes through study, reading or experience
It is NOT intellectual ability or education
It is knowledge that surpasses the senses of man
It reveals something in the past or present
Works ideally as a faith builder
Scripture: John 1:45-50
?Jesus saw Nathanael, then He knew ? that he was an Israelite, and that he was with no deceit?.
Word of wisdom (Reveal something)
Nothing to do with being wise
Not natural wisdom that came through education or experience
Reveal a solution to a problem (finances / marriage / unsaved one) in a once off deal
Scripture: Gen 6:13-18
Noah?s Ark ? God shared His plan and wisdom (as a once off event / deal / plan)
Discerning of spirits (Reveal something)
Not discerning of character
Not fault finding or judging others
Not the gift of suspicion or speculation
Not the gift of discernment (Natural ? right or wrong / safe or dangerous)
To discern the condition of the human spirit (good or bad)
Scripture: 1 John 4:1-6 : 1 Test
: 6 Spirit of truth or error
To identify the spirit which are behind different manifestations or activities
Scripture Satan, get behind me
Scriptur: Acts 13:9 Paul looked INTENTLY at him
Scripture: Acts 16:16-18 ? many days
The gift of tongues (Say something)
It is NOT : tongues to edify or stir yourself
: tongues of intercession / prayer / warfare /worship / etc
It is a message from God - given by ANY available Spirit-filled believer in a public meeting
It has to be interpreted
Scripture: 1 Cor 14:27 & 28
The gift of interpretation of tongues (Say something)
It is NOT translation of tongues, where it is translated word for word
It is the sense of meaning of the message of the tongues delivered
Equal to prophecy
So that the church would be edified
Scripture: 1 Cor 14:5 & 13
The gift of prophecy (Say something)
Prophecy in greek is ?propheteia? which means - speaking forth the mind and counsel of God
It is NOT preaching the gospel Acceptance, love, sense of understanding
It is NOT foretelling the future Not always an answer
It is NOT for guidance See potential in a person
It is NOT a message of confusion, criticism or condemnation Basics ? Jesus loves you
It is NON-revelation, in a sense that it?s not directional or correctional
It is confirmation to your spirit
It must always be in agreement with God?s Word
Main Aim is to: Edify ? build up or uplift Equity
Exhort ? calling near or encouragement
Comfort ? calming or speaking closely
Scripture: 1 Cor 14:1-5 Desire to prophecy
The gift of faith (Do something)
It is NOT natural human faith
It is NOT saving faith (Eph 2:8 & 9)
It is NOT the measure of faith or general faith (Rom 12:3)
It is NOT the faith obtained by hearing God?s Word
It is UNLIMITED faith for a specific situation / task
Can be in a temporary situation (while ministering ? to drive out demon, healing, etc?)
Can be for a period of time ? in doing as specific task
The outcome / results are usually supernatural
You are emptied of ALL doubt and unbelief
Scripture: John 11:40 Lazarus ? Jesus was moved by their faith and compassion for their friend
The working of miracles (Do something)
A TRUE miracle must involve the suspension of the natural law
For example: Feeding the 5000 (Matt 14:15-21) out of 2 loaves of bread and 5 fish
Dividing the Red Sea (Ex 14:13-31)
Floating of the axe (2 Kings 6:1-7) the law of gravity was suspended
Greek word for miracle means ?
An explosion of mighty power
A release of divine energy
The performance that is contrary to the laws of nature
The gifts of healings (Do something) Equity !!!
It is NOT receiving your healing through doctors or medicine
It is NOT receiving your healing through faith in God?s Word
It is NOT faith healers or divine healers ? God is the ONLY divine Healer
Supernatural impartation of God?s healing power through you
To cure diseases and heal the sick instantly
Being anointed to minister healing for specific kinds of sickness
Activation: One-to-one sharing
To hear and deliver a ?thought from the throne? that edifies, encourages or exhorts
Exactly as you believe you have received it without additions, applications or interpretations