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5. How does a Prophet relate to a Teacher:


Prophets and teachers have different functions but each needs the other. Even in the life of Jesus, the two functions of prophet and teacher operated differently, yet both were valid at the time when each was needed.


The prophet must not despise the teacher because his method of preparation and receiving from God seems to have less direct inspiration from God than his own. The teacher must not despise the prophet because there appears to be a lack of discipline and thoroughness in preparation to flow in God?s work.


The prophet speaks direction and correction into someone?s life. He reveals what God has on His heart for that person. He then moves on to the next area where God wants him to minister. The teacher then works with that individual who has received the prophetic word. He guides them into how to flow with what the prophet has spoken.


To bring understanding will involve time. There may be times that some things may be repeated from different perspectives before understanding comes and that truth is established in the individual?s heart.


Apostle Paul continued teaching in Corinth for eighteen months. Sometimes the pupil will cling to the teacher seeking to gain the next piece of truth explanation which will bring the desired understanding and peace. Jesus also had those who wanted to follow Him wherever he went as a Teacher. Matthew 8:19


Prophets are different. They hear from God and they speak what they hear and then might leave the situation. It is not their concern whether the individual obeys or flows with the word that they have spoken. The teacher or the pastor may help with that problem, but the prophet might move on. 2 Kings 4:1-7.


Prophets must not despise teachers who remain with the people while the prophet goes on. Their purpose is different.  Teachers must not despise prophets who appear to take so little responsibility while the teacher seems carry the load. Their purpose is not the same but both are necessary and they need each other.


Prophets hear and speak by faith. (Romans 12:6) Their whole area of ministry depends on that. They trust that they are hearing from God and hearing the right word for the right individual and that they are presenting it in such a way that it will bring blessing and not confusion.


Prophets have a responsibility before God to be accurate. The teacher is also accountable to God. God warns that people must not strive to be teachers. (James 3:1) Because there is a stricter judgement for those who want to expound and explain His truth.


Most people who receive a prophetic word do not know how to run with what they have been given. This is where the function of the teacher comes in. The prophet has spoken and now the teacher can teach further on the word. ? 1 Timothy 1:18.


A person who walks in both these functions, being a prophet / teacher or teacher / prophet has an additional problem. He understands the prophetic area and the teaching function but because he sometimes flows stronger in one and other time in the other he needs to discern when and how he must operate in the area that God requires for that situation.




6. How does a Prophet relate to the Body:


The time of the prophet that walks alone, the ?Lone Ranger?, not being attached to a house, a place of fellowship or a Body, where they can be accountable too, is over.

They that walk, preach and prophesy alone trample on dangerous ground, opening up their lives for a full onslaught from the enemy. Not only do they open themselves up for a spirit of divination but the people that receive them will also open themselves up for the same spirit.


The Church will start to see this abomination and they will close the doors for these individuals.


By their fruit you will know them ? (Matthew 7:15-20)


Prophets of God need to walk close to each other like never before and they need to come to a point of understanding one another and to esteem the Body higher that they do themselves (Philippians 2:4).




  Co ? labourers:

The first principle in how a prophet relates to the Body is to realise that we need one another and that the one cannot do without the other ? 1 Cor. 3:9 ? fellow workmen. The fellow workman is somebody working together with somebody else on the same assignment or project until that task is complete or fulfilled.


  No competition:

Understanding your calling (2 Peter 1:1) and election. The moment they understand their calling and election, all forms of jealously and competitiveness disappear. As each one remains in his own calling they will not feel the need to compare themselves.


  Esteeming one another higher than self:

They need to understand that they have to esteem each other higher than themselves. This is a command. (Philippians 2:3-4) The Word teaches that those who want to be great must be servants of all and this speaks of a prophet?s heart attitude.



The fourth principle in how a prophet relates to the Body is to realize that they are not just conducting one man, but they are a body working together towards the same vision. To work in a team is a godly principle and there is protection in it.



The prophet and the Body need to walk in submission to one another. (Hebrews 13:17)  Prophets need to submit their words to one another and so does the Body.

By doing so we become accountable to one another and it prevents any presumptuous word. No authority will be given if one cannot submit to authority. The greater the authority, the greater the submission.



The sixth principle in how a prophet relates to the Body through unity:


Unity is based on:


         The indwelling Spirit (1 Cor. 3:16)

         The new birth (Ps. 133:1-3)

         Union with Christ (2 Cor. 13:5)

         Faith (Ephesians 4:4-6)


There is power and blessing in unity (Ps. 133-1-3).

If we preserve the unity we will retain the blessings. One of the keys to unity of faith is agreement. Unity cannot be created only preserved (1 Cor. 3:3 & Ephesians 4:3).

7. How does a Prophet relate to a Pastor:


The church cannot survive and grow to maturity without the prophetic and the pastoral ministry.


Every church needs both prophets and pastors. The two ministries are complementary, but they have not always fitted together well. Pastors tend to be warm loving people. This is the strength of their ministry. They love to see people grow and to see the church united.


A prophet would act as a balance to this tendency. Prophets tend to see things in black and white. They have a zeal for holiness and truth. Their main concern is to see the church functioning according to the Word of God, but their zeal for purity and truth can make them appear to be hard and harsh. The pastors will temper their strictness and zeal with love and grace. And whereas pastors tend to concentrate on the present, the prophets can give vision for the future.


Prophets have a way of ploughing up the ground and causing disturbance. Many pastors who, when encountering hard ground, simply lay a patio and cover everything up! Prophecy is attacking, stimulating and provoking by definition. Pastoring is about restoring calm and order. Prophets challenge, pastors soothe (Graham Cooke ? Developing Your Prophetic Gifting).


The church needs pastors and prophets to fully represent Christ. It must exhibit both the love and the holiness of God. Love without holiness is compromise. Holiness without love is harshness. If both ministries are present in a Church then holiness and love will both be evident. The Church will then be a true reflection of the character of God.


A good example of this is Paul, who was started in his ministry when Barnabas found him and brought him to Antioch (Acts 11:25, 26). Barnabas demonstrated great courage, because Paul was a high risk person, but his trust brought out the best in Paul. His commitment to Paul brought enormous blessing to the church.


Trust produces trust and responsibility. The pastor will generally be surprised at how responsible prophets will be, if they are just trusted. Prophets will be surprised at how open a pastor will be, if the prophet is willing to submit to him.


By exercising discernment a pastor can help prophets to hear the word of the Lord. They should encourage the prophets to grow in this ministry. This should be done with care. Because a prophet is sometimes negative and hard in his words, pastors often assume that he must be dealt with severely. They do not realise that under their brusque exterior, most prophets have a very sensitive spirit, which can easily be broken. They need a great deal of encouragement if they are to develop into their full ministry.


Pastors should encourage those in their church with prophetic gifts, even if they are a nuisance at times. They will eventually have prophets in their midst who can be trusted to speak the Lord?s word.


The more that pastor?s encourage the prophets, the better they will perform. Prophets respond to listeners.


God reveals Himself to you



A Vision in sleep, To see


Revelation through Supernatural communication


God reveals Himself to you



A Vision in sleep, To see


Revelation through Supernatural communication


God reveals Himself to you



A Vision in sleep, To see


Revelation through Supernatural communication


God reveals Himself to you



A Vision in sleep, To see


Revelation through Supernatural communication


God reveals Himself to you



A Vision in sleep, To see


Revelation through Supernatural communication


God speaks to you


     Khal-ome?, khal-ome?

A dream with a prophetic meaning


To be healthy, strong. To restore health


God speaks to you


     Khal-ome?, khal-ome?

A dream with a prophetic meaning


To be healthy, strong. To restore health


God speaks to you


     Khal-ome?, khal-ome?

A dream with a prophetic meaning


To be healthy, strong. To restore health


God speaks to you


     Khal-ome?, khal-ome?

A dream with a prophetic meaning


To be healthy, strong. To restore health


God speaks to you


     Khal-ome?, khal-ome?

A dream with a prophetic meaning


To be healthy, strong. To restore health


God speaks to you


     Khal-ome?, khal-ome?

A dream with a prophetic meaning


To be healthy, strong. To restore health