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 Romans 5:17 (Amplified)

?For if because of one man's trespass (lapse, offense) death reigned through that one, much more surely will those who receive [God's] overflowing grace (unmerited favor) and the free gift of righteousness [putting them into right standing with Himself] reign as kings in life through the one Man Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).?


First ?Identity?, then ?Destiny??

You are destined to reign in life simply because JESUS IS LORD of your life.  

When you reign in life, you reign over sin, you reign over the power of darkness, you reign over depression, over poverty, over every curse, and over every sickness and disease. 

You REIGN over the devil and all his devices!  

The power to reign does not depend on your family background, your education qualifications, how you look, or how much savings you have in your bank account.  

The power to reign is based entirely on JESUS and Him alone!

The word ?reign? used in Romans 5:17 is the Greek word ?basileuo?, where you get the English word ?basilica?.  

In ancient Rome, basilicas were used as law courts.   So it refers to a kingly, judicial rule.  

In other words, to reign in life, is to reign in life as a KING, to have kingly rule and possess kingly Dominion.  

Based on the authority of God?s Word, you are destined to ?reign in life? as a king, to have kingly dominion over all your challenges and circumstances.  

You are called to be above them all and not be trampled by them.

God has called you to be the head and not the tail.  


We are made righteous in the New covenant not because we do righteous deeds but because of one Man?s (Jesus) obedience on the cross.   

The secret of reigning in life lies therefore with receiving EVERYTHING that Jesus has accomplished for us on the cross.

The Greatest Revelation remains the FINISHED WORK of Jesus Christ on the Cross!


The Bible states very clearly that we are to reign in life through Jesus Christ just by receiving two things from Him:       



When He hung on the cross 2000 years ago, He cried out with a loud voice, ?It is finished?!

Everything that you and I require to REIGN in life was accomplished at Calvary on our behalf.

That?s why we call what Jesus did on the cross his ?finished work?!

He FINISHED it.   He accomplished it.   It is DONE!

Now, The only thing that works is the FINISHED work!

Stop doing what?s already DONE!   Stop doing and start receiving what Jesus has DONE!

In essence, we owed a debt that we could not pay, but JESUS on the cross paid with His own life, a debt that He did not owe. It is entirely His effort and His Doing.

Our part is to believe on Him and receive ALL that He has accomplished on our behalf.

GRACE is only grace when it is Undeserved, Unearned and Unmerited.


Hebrews 10:12,14 (Amplified) 

?Whereas this One [Christ], after He had offered a single sacrifice for our sins [that shall avail] for all time, sat down at the right hand of God, For by a single offering He has forever completely cleansed and perfected those who are consecrated and made holy.?

His finished work on the cross was offered as one sacrifice FOREVER, and when you received Jesus Christ into your life, you were PERFECTED FOREVER!





The first step is to realize your IDENTIFICATION with Christ.

The first Adam was the ?father? of the human race. As his physical descendant, you were ?in him? when he sinned and lost Dominion to Satan.

The result of this fall by Adam is passed down to all his descendants which is the entire human race.

JESUS CHRIST was the only person who was not under the curse of Adam?s sin.

This is because He was born of the Seed of God and not the seed of man.

And He lived a perfect life, overcoming sin, Satan and death.

So, the ONLY way for us to overcome the result of Adam?s fall, as Christ did, is to get OUT-OF Adam and INTO Christ.

This happens when you personally accept and receive Christ as your Savior and Lord.

Then God IDENTIFIES you with CHRIST in all that He did on your behalf.

You become ONE with Him.

What Jesus did in the Flesh may be appropriated to your own life in the Spiritual realm.

This is called: New Birth?to be ?Born Again? is a spiritual rebirth in which God takes us out of the First Adam, and places us Supernaturally ?IN CHRIST?

We have been crucified, buried, raised and seated with Christ in Heavenly Places.



The second step is to respond to His LORDSHIP over your life.

Lordship is OWNERSHIP.

When you give your life to Christ, you voluntarily die to yourself and hand over the rights to rule your own life to JESUS CHRIST.

You recognize that your life is no longer your own, but now belongs to God.

It is His desire to sit on the Throne of your life and be the center of your universe.

You must respond to His rule in order to live His life of Kingly Reign!



The third step to Reign in life is to walk in the Spirit.

This simply means to allow the Holy Spirit to CONTROL your life.

When you respond to the Lordship of Jesus, He will live His very own life out of you through the Person of the Holy Spirit.

This is the ?ZOE?, or God-Kind of life in the Spirit. (John 10:10)

This is the Overcoming, Abundant Life of Jesus Christ being lived out on planet Earth in you through the Holy Spirit.



Now, it?s time for you to REIGN as kings in this life by practicing this ?LIFE IN THE SPIRIT?

As you walk in the Spirit, the very life of God is manifested TO you and THROUGH you.